Let's start with the drive out to the park where the
gorillas are pretty much kept under lock and key by the Rwandan
It was our first time out of Kigali, and it is really
So many people on the road at daylight carrying goods to
market all over the country. On top of
their head, in carts, even on a large wooden bicycle. Thousands of people out in the rural
countryside, up and at 'em. 5 am, break of
day, a human traffic jam of activity.
And with the exception of the rare ancient motorcycle, no vehicle
traffic at all.
The countryside is lush and cultivated to the last
available square inch. Potatoes, corn,
sugar cane, firewood, peas, beans; all were in evidence. I had read that Rwanda is one of the most
densely populated food sheds in the world and today's two hour drive put that
squarely on display.
The villagers who live at the base of the trail to the
gorillas are very poor, 3rd world farmers who grow plots of vegetables for sale at market. When you walk through the village it seems
that it is a populated entirely by children. They swarm the car with a chorus of
"hello", which seems to be the only foreign word they
know. A singular highlight
for me was using my iPad to take video of the children and then play it back
for them to watch. It seemed quite
certain from their reaction of sheer joy that they had never seen themselves on
video, and quite probably had never seen
any video of any kind. I could have done this for hours.
There are 80 people per day who are permitted to go see the gorillas. They are divided into 10 groups of 8 and go as a group to see 10 different "families" of gorillas. The families are in locations that vary from 15 minute hikes in, to approx 3 hour hikes.

My group, being all pretty fit hikers, was selected for
one of the longer hikes. But the payoff
was we got to go see one of the strongest families, which had 19 members
including three of the silverback adult males. So, we set off across the
foothills. The first half hour or so was a very pretty hike through high
mountain farmland.
Then we crossed over into the National park. The border
to the park was demarcated by a large steep ditch that was used to protect the
villagers and their farms from the mountain buffalo. It was at this point that I fully noticed the
uniformed guard with an ancient AK 47.
Apparently he was there to protect us from said buffalo. Normally guns
make me very nervous, but it was certainly calming to know we had a guy with an
automatic weapon as we headed into the forest/jungle for the rest of our
journey to see the gorillas.
Once across the ditch, the
trail changed. About a third of the remaining two hours was tight paths
in flat, open fields where the overgrowth featured a lot of stinging nettles
but the path was fairly dry. The other two thirds was steep with trees overhead
and ankle-deep mud covering the entire trail. At first we tried hard to stay as clean as
possible by leapfrogging to the best parts of the trail, risking a fall and a
back full of mud. Ultimately, we all gave
in to the eventual demise of our footwear and simply slogged right through.

I'll post some pictures as I get the chance to sort through them.
All in all one of the most interesting and incredible
days of my life.
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